
Tarot Reveal May 5, 2020

Which Spirit Animal Oracle did you choose?

Card 1 – Coyote Spirit

My friend the coyote is coming up for you today. One of the things that I love about the tarot is the patterns that I see. I will have certain cards that come up for periods of time for several people depending on the energy around us or events happening. The coyote has been coming up for a little while now. I know he’s come up for several of you who I’ve been reading for.

The coyote is here to let you know that you are on a detour in your life. Things may have been a bit unpredictable lately and you may be struggling with routines or making sense of things going on around you. Just when you think you’ve got things settled in something else likely happens to keep you on your toes. You may find yourself wondering when you will be getting things back to normal…. what exactly is normal? 🙂

The coyote is working with you now to manage all the different energy that is around you now. He warns you not to take things too seriously but instead to be watchful and look at the things that are passing you by. You may find there are things that you are meant to see, lessons that need to be learned and changes that need to be made. Sometimes when we are disappointed by something it teaches us to see things in a different way. If you’ve been experiencing disappointment look for what it is that you are meant to discover in your life now.

Card 2 – Hummingbird Spirit

A couple of years ago I was working in my garden and I heard what I thought was a bee…. perhaps the biggest bee I had ever heard… maybe it was more than one? I didn’t stick around to find out. It was that loud. I made a run for it and only after the buzzing had subsided did I look back. I figured out that it wasn’t a bee that was chasing me but a hummingbird! We have several feeders in your yard for them and this one apparently didn’t want me in my herb garden right then for some reason.

The reason I tell you about this story is that the hummingbird is chasing you today. There is something you are meant to do, something you are meant to see and the hummingbird is encouraging you to focus on what is immediately surrounding you. Sometimes it takes a bit of a shake up to see things in a different way. I have lost track of the amount of times that I have been looking for something or I’ve known someone looking for something only to find that it was with them all along. There is something that you’ve been wanting, something that you’ve been looking for and the hummingbird is trying to help bring your attention to the fact that it is already with you or you already have the means to obtain it if you focus on your surroundings.

If you don’t already have a hummingbird feeder in your yard, consider adding one! They are so much fun to watch. We have so many that come to visit us each day. They are really just beautiful.

Card 3 – Koi Fish Spirit

I am lucky enough to have a small pond in my back yard that Earl made for me. In that pond we have a variety of fish called Shubunkin that look a bit like Koi. They are just beautiful to watch. Every morning when we come out to feed them they rise up to the surface to greet us. The pond is something simple that we have that just brings us so much joy. I only wish that we lived in a warmer climate so we could be out there all year long.

Have you been finding that you’ve been worried lately? Maybe things haven’t been as abundant as you would like. The Koi is working with you now to help you to release any worries or fears regarding abundance. While things may not be what you’ve expected or wanted the Koi works with you to help you understand that prosperity is around you now. Look for it. Find those things that you love and cherish in your life and allow them to bring you comfort.

One more small story. When I first got divorced I barely had enough money to get groceries. It was a challenging time for me where I had to be incredibly careful. I found myself with a week for vacation with each of my children. Where they were going on the most amazing vacations with their Dad I wasn’t able to offer that. However that week was the most amazing week. We spent the week wandering the woods, looking for waterfalls, hunting bugs and other wildlife, pressing flowers and so many other things. We just enjoyed our time together. What was one of the most challenging times of my life financially was one of the most enjoyable because of what we made of it. Koi helps you to find that beauty, that love, that energy of prosperity. Work with the Koi now to find that energy of prosperity.

Have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

Cards are drawn from the Spirit Animal Oracle

P.S. Did you know I put out an Oracle card daily on the Daily Oracle? Join me! You can also stop by my shop to order a personalized reading.

Full Flower Moon, Mother’s Day, Spirit Animal and Spirit Guide Readings and more Available now. https://www.jasmeinemoonsongshop.com/

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