
The Magick of Ghost Pipe

Is that not the coolest name for an herb? You may also find this herb referred to as ghost plant, ghost flower, corpse plant or fairy smoke. They get their name from their “ghostly” white color.   The stems often have these tiny black specks on them that look like dirt honestly, but if you go to brush them off you will realize they are part of the plant.  From approximately June through October depending on the location and the temperatures during the year this plant will flower, with white bell shaped flowers that are pretty much odorless.  Some people have referred to the flower shapes as urns.  They are a perennial and range in height from 2 to 12 inches.  Here in New England all the ones that I have found have been very short coming in around 2 – 4 inches.  They are also typically found in clusters and are often found at the base of trees or in areas of decay such as old stumps and leaves.  They love dark, moist and rich soil and the nutrients that the decaying life in the forest will give them to help them to survive.  They don’t actually have any chlorophyll which is abnormal for plants and is the reason that they survive off of decaying matter.

You can find them deep in the forest in the areas of North America, Asia, Europe and South America, although you may find you have a more difficult time finding them as they are considered rare in some places.  Here in New England I can find them but I find that it really depends on the local weather, they really seem to prefer lots of heat and rain.  Since it is rare in many locations it’s suggested that you only use this plant when there are no other substitutions and you want to try to leave the roots.  It is also a very difficult plant to transplant so this is an herb you really want to respect.  It’s an amazing plant to have knowledge of though as I’ve encountered it many times in the woods and I swear if the weather is right it almost glows white.

There is an old Cherokee legend about how families and tribes were arguing a lot amongst themselves.  A great chief and several tribal chiefs got together to come up with a solution to the problem.  They were smoking a peace pipe together but for seven days and nights only managed to argue among themselves contributing to the problem instead of fixing it.  The Great Spirit was upset with them for smoking a peace pipe but not making peace and turned them into the ghost pipe flower where they had been arguing.

Ghost plant is a healing plant, both physical and spiritual and is said to bring light energy back to a soul helping one to become grounded and centered.  It is particularly helpful with work on the root and crown chakras helping to both ground a person and bring light energy to them.  It helps you to become balanced and peaceful. 

Have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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