
The Magick of Mistletoe

How many of you know that the Mistletoe that you find hanging in the doorway this time of year is a form of divination?  When you step through a doorway with Mistletoe hung above it, the person you kiss is said to be your love.  Does anyone know where this tradition originates from? Did you know ancient Greeks used Mistletoe in their marriage rites because they believed that the plant gave life and fertility?  Prior to the middle ages, Ancient Druids would use this plant in their rituals to help bring prosperity. They also regarded it as a plant for protection.  They particularly favored the mistletoe that grew on top of the Sacred Oak tree.  It is said they would dress in white robes and harvest this plant with a golden sickle on the night of the sixth moon for its powerful protection. 

After the middle ages, this plant was hung in doorways to ward off evil spirits.  When people came to visit for the holidays, they would kiss at the door under the mistletoe.  Some believe that this is the origination for where the tradition of kissing under the mistletoe comes from today.  By the 1800s this tradition was quite popular particularly in Europe, but also in many other places around the world.  

However, this plant has been used since ancient times for its healing properties as well. One of the names it was referred to in ancient times was the “all-heal”.  In early times in Europe and Asia, certain varieties of mistletoe were used to heal several types of ailments including issues with the heart and blood and epilepsy.  It was also used as a muscle relaxant and mild tranquilizer. There are several types of mistletoe.  Some varieties have no healing properties, while others have several.  You want to always do careful research on the type that you are working with and the properties of that plant.

Mistletoe is actually a parasitic plant that grows on other plants and trees.  A parasitic plant is one that needs another plant or tree to survive.  Sometimes it can actually be harmful to its host. However, if the host plant dies, the mistletoe will also die. While it may cause deformities in its host plant or tree, it rarely kills the plant.  Mistletoe stays green all year long.  This lends to its popularity during the cold winter months. 

Today you will find that it is used most often for decoration for the holidays or its magickal properties.  You can hang sprigs of mistletoe in your home to draw love or abundance to you.  Carry it in a pouch to help with fertility issues.  All parts of mistletoe are poisonous. Be very careful to keep it out of reach of little ones and fur babies should you choose to keep it in your house.

Have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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