When I was little I spent a lot of time outside and a lot of time reading. I was constantly on the hunt for magical things in the woods and there are several places that I was convinced that I could find fairies. Lily of the Valley was one of those places. I was always excited when I found it growing around the trees and as an adult I was really happy when I found it growing around a tree right outside my bedroom window.
Little did I know that the Lily of the Valley is known as being a plant of the Fae. One of the nicknames for it is Fairy Cups as it is said that they look like cups that the Fae have hung up to dance under. If you have a fairy garden or are looking to attract the Fae to your yard this is a wonderful addition.
Lily of the Valley loves a cool climate and prefers the shade and moist soil. They are native to the Northern Hemisphere and tend to be more common in Europe and Asia but you will also find they have a presence in North America. Something important to know is that they are incredibly toxic. Lily of the Valley is poisonous to ingest and it can cause skin issues if you are sensitive to it. If you choose to pick your best bet is to be extra cautious and use gloves. If you have animals that really enjoy chomping on the wildlife this may be a plant that you want to avoid cultivating in your yard or bringing into your home. My kitties immediately come to mind. One of my kitties Luna will eat anything green. She has even given several plastic flowers a try! All of my kitties are indoor kitties with the exception of their catio that we built for them that allows them access to a very controlled area outside. This isn’t a flower that I can ever bring inside my home.
Lily of the Valley is the flower sacred to the Goddess Maia. The Goddess Maia is a Springtime Goddess. She has strong connections to the Earth and is a Goddess of growth and fertility. It is said that she preferred to live alone in caves away from society. She preferred peace, quiet and her connections to nature. Her bird is the Dove.
In magick Lily of the Valley has some wonderful energy. It is a flower of peace and tranquility. It can also help to bring you luck, prosperity and growth in your life.
I hope that you have the most magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
The Magickal Lily of the Valley

One thought on “The Magickal Lily of the Valley”
I love flowers and ferns I husband once told when we lived in town that our home looked like a jungle and it did till we moved in December even with the car hit and with with sheets around them I still lost 1/2 to 3/4 of my flowers and vines and other plants made me sick