ArticlesMoonNew Moon

Tonight’s New Moon in Aries

 This New Moon is bringing in some amazing energy and I’ve honestly been counting down to it! This week I have been able to feel the energy around me clear and just relax as we move towards this New Moon.  Mercury is finally direct again and the shift that’s going on around us is incredible.  This New Moon is bringing energy that is going to make you really want to discover yourself and connect with yourself.  It’s going to bring you hope and inspiration and kind of pick you up and dust you off from what we’ve been managing in the beginning of this year.

The winds of this New Moon are going to make your dreams take flight.  I’m not sure where all of you are located but I know here in New England those March winds of change have been hanging around a bit longer than usual.  It’s as if there’s still some work to be done.  They are getting ready to move out though and as these winds leave they are going to make room for all the new energy that this Moon is bringing your way.

If you’ve been feeling called to be more spiritual or walk the path of the witch more lately that is definitely no coincidence. You are being called to your roots.  Not just your roots in this life but the roots of your soul that have traveled with you through many lifetimes.  You are going to find yourself wanting to explore things that have been with you through lifetimes.  For instance for those of you who have been healers or teachers in more than one lifetime will feel the stir to pick that up again.

Intuition is going to be high and you are going to find that veil starting to thin as we move towards Beltane.  Can you believe it’s almost time? Beltane is on May 1st which as I say it sounds ages away but it’s less than a month.  How different the world around me here in New England will look in that short amount of time.  As I sit here writing this some of the early trees are just beginning to get the smallest buds.  I know that by Beltane everything will be in bloom and back to that beautiful shade of Emerald Green that I adore.

Use tonight to think about what you want for the future.  Invite hope and inspiration into your life.  Invite yourself to dream.  Give yourself a much needed break from all that has been challenging you and step through the doorway of energy that is being created this evening to a new path which is going to encourage you to grow and follow your dreams.  You should find the energy in the coming weeks more relaxing and rewarding.  If you’ve been working hard you are going to find all that hard work paying off in the coming weeks.

One thing that this Moon may bring that you need to be ready for is a desire to do everything ….yesterday.  Be patient with yourself.  You are going to find that you are inspired and you may feel like you just need to be in a lot of different places all at once.  Recognize that you may not be able to do everything as quickly as you would like.  Pay attention to your limits.  If there are things that you can’t get to write them down somewhere so that you can return to them when the energy calms down.  Make sure to take care of yourself.  Keep making time for your personal health and wellness as it will directly impact what you are able to do now and in the future. <3

Have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

Looking for the New Moon Spell I do each month? You can check it out here: Monthly New Moon Spell 

Looking for a spell that’s specific for tonight’s New Moon? Join us on Moonsong Daily Magick today and I’ll forward you a copy of today’s New Moon edition!

**original graphic by Ineska**

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