One of the things that can help both your life and the world around you is the upcycling of things that may be broken or that you no longer have a need for. Upcycling can be a lot of fun and the more you do it the more you will find creative ideas and ways to use things that will come to you.
What’s the difference between recycling and upcycling? When you recycle you send material to be broken down like plastic or paper so that it can make a new object like recycled paper or plastic. When you upcycle you find a use for something that you have in a completely different way. In the picture above you can see how some old teapots have been repurposed as planters and old dishes can be used under the pots. If you just look up upcycling you will find so many amazing things that you can do. Take something simple like a toilet paper tube. I’m sure many of you remember making crafts from them when you were in grade school. I still have an owl on my desk that my son made me about 10 years ago now. While my children are older now, today I use them to make amazing toys for the cats and the birds. We’ve used them to help with planting in the garden and I definitely can find uses for them with spells.
One year we needed a tiller for our garden. They are unbelievably expensive. Earl was able to create one from some leftover scrap metal and coil springs that he had cut. He did a really good job! It’s incredible what you can build with leftover resources. He is routinely coming in to show me things that he has built from the things that we have around. I keep telling him that he should start a blog for the stuff that he creates. It’s really incredible.
I have a friend who repurposes old furniture. She will paint them and change them up to create something beautiful and new. We saved some old CDs and I’m going to try to make a mosaic tile piece of garden art out of them. Another popular one that I’ve seen is glass bottles turned into wind chimes. We have a beautiful one that Earl made hanging outside of our window. There are so many things that you can do.
If you go to Pinterest and enter in Upcycling you will see so many ideas. One of my favorites was a ladder done up with lights and branches meant to be hung. You can find so many ideas for art like beautiful pottery pieces made into mosaics and I saw some really amazing art done with old magazines. The possibilities are really endless. See how creative you can get. It can be a lot of fun! Have an amazing day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jamseine Moonsong
Upcycling to Make Treasures