
Welcome February

The Chickadee above is our state bird here in Massachusetts.  It is one of the birds that stays with us year-round and I love it for that reason.  You can quickly recognize its sound as it sounds like it is saying its name.  They love the feeders that we put out for them all year.  Over the past couple of weeks, some of our Spring birds have been returning and I’m really excited, as are the cats! I woke up to Loki this morning chattering on his perch by the window to let me know that some of his bird friends had returned to nest in the bushes beneath his window.  While it is still winter, where I am in New England signs of Spring are all around us.  We are meant to be quite cold this weekend but then next week we are going into the 50s.  It’s been an unusually warm winter.  I’m super excited though as on Tuesday we were given gifts to go see a Lord of the Rings performance at Radio City Music Hall in New York City.  I’ve always wanted to go to Radio City Music Hall since I was little.  Annie was my favorite movie and it featured Radio City Music Hall.  I was worried about it being freezing but it’s going to be in the 50s! I’m beyond excited.

Are you ready for February? I feel like I always say that the previous month went by in a blur.  Things are always busy! Many of you have noticed this wonderful energy of change around you.  As this energy expands for you in the coming months you should find more wonderful opportunities coming your way.  This energy has been helping us take a look at the reality of where we are standing in our lives right now and the potential that we have for the future. 

This month I have some revitalizing energy coming your way.  It feels fresh… if I didn’t know better I would swear that the Spring Equinox was this month.  It’s not just the weather…it’s the energy.  So many things shifting and changing.  It’s as if the energy around us is eager to move us forward to something that it’s excited to show us.  Have fun with this! Enjoy the mystery this month and look for special signs along the way of amazing things coming your way.  

Our Full Moon for February is this weekend. It’s going to be in Leo bringing us some powerful energy to work with.  It’s a time to put some extra energy into getting past anything that is holding you back and perhaps make some bold moves or even take a leap of faith on yourself. 

We then move into Valentine’s Day. Regardless of your relationship status be sure to celebrate love on this day.  Light a red or pink candle and send some beautiful energy of love out into the world.  The world can always use extra love. 

As we move into the second part of the month we will celebrate our New Moon on the 20th that feels like it may open an interesting door that may change things in your life up a bit.  Keep an eye out for an important opportunity or energy to help you make an important move around that date. This is going to be a Super Moon so it will be interesting to see how its energy impacts our lives. Let’s take a look at some of the important dates this month:

February 1 – St. Brigid’s Day

February 2 – Imbolc

February 5 – Full Moon

February 14 – Valentine’s Day

February 20 – Full Moon

I pulled the 10 of Pentacles for the month of February. You are going to find that the energy is focused on your foundation in life. Your foundation in life consists of your home, immediate family, fur babies and anything else or anyone else that helps to support you on a day to day basis. The more support you feel in your life, the easier it is to recharge your energy and the more courage and confidence you will have on your path. This is especially helpful when you may have some big energy moves you need to make this month. You are going to find that you are surrounded by energy to help you to manifest the things that you want the most in your life. Remember that shifting energy I mentioned around the time of the New Moon. You can use this to help you or you may find that it brings something important your way.

Have an amazing month!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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