
Welcome February

I love you! 🙂 Yes I want all of you to know that I love you.  From those of you who have been with me for almost 20 years to those of you who just joined me, I am so excited to be able to share this very special journey with all of you. Thank you for being here! 🙂

Who is ready for the month of love? How many of you remember making Valentines for all of your friends when you were young?  I loved art and school when I was young and I would always get excited about making Valentine’s for all of my friends.  It would take me days to make one for each of them. I wish I had saved some of the ones that I received. I would have construction paper, paper doilies, glitter, and all sorts of goodies everywhere. It was so much fun.  I think there’s a lot of emphasis on the love for couples this time of year but I want to remind all of you that this is a powerful month to remember the love that you have in all the relationships in your life and remember that one of those relationships is with you!

How many of you are ready for Spring? It’s still several weeks away but I’m excited after celebrating Imbolc yesterday to know that our Mother Earth is waking up and it’s on the way! We have some beautiful energy of change around us right now that is no doubt helping you all work on some things in your life that will bring you more happiness.  This energy feels more focused on the personal things in life and you no doubt are finding yourself spending extra time focusing on the relationships in your life and the home.  This will continue with you throughout the month.

Did you know that this year is a Leap Year? I just found out this morning. I’m so so excited.  It always brings that magickal energy of the space in between.  For those of you who love tarot readings I have some special ones coming out for this likely next week so keep an eye on your email. Let’s take a look at what else is coming your way this month.
  February 1 – St. Brigid’s Day

February 2 – Imbolc

February 9 – New Moon

February 14 – Valentine’s Day

February 24 – Full Moon

February 29 – Leap Year.

Well hello there! What a welcome sight for February, the King of Cups. I always love it when he shows up to walk with us on our path.  He is letting you know that things are going well.  If you have worries or fears that you are carrying set them to the side for they are doing nothing but bogging down your energy and taking up space that you need for the great things coming your way this month.  This is a powerful month for the energy of the heart.  Listen to your heart.  Follow it. Find things that you are passionate about that put that smile on your face…you know…the one that makes your cheeks hurt. :)) Put extra emphasis on self-love and spending time with those who mean the most to you.  Adopt a fur baby! It’s a great month for it and they are so great at bringing extra love into your life.  Great things are coming your way.  Believe it!

Have an amazing month!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

P.S. I have a special February Forecast that will be delivered on the 5th! If it’s still on the shop I still have room!

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