ArticlesWitch Calendar

Welcome February

Are you ready for February? I have to admit, January was definitely not an easy month for me to navigate!! I was ready to celebrate the New Moon and turn the page to start February.  I had a lot of challenges come my way last month, and I’m hoping February will be a bit easier for me. 🙂  I chose the picture of the Cardinals above because I have a pair that looks just like them that lives in my yard this time of year every year. I get excited to see them.  Ok, I admit I’m not sure if it’s the same pair every year… but I have a feeling it may be.  I see one pair each year in my yard that comes to the feeder consistently. I’m always so happy to see them. I find that the male cardinal often comes to me outside the window at times when I need validation or reassurance. I’ve been told they connect us to our loved ones on the other side. 

February is a month of love.  For those of you in relationships, this is a great time to celebrate it. I think it’s important to know, though, that I definitely don’t just see this as a month for couples.   Share the love with friends and family and don’t forget those fur babies.  Some of you know that I had a scare again with Loki last week, and there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t count my blessings that he is with me.  I am blessed.  It’s also an important month to bring that love around yourself as well.  Be sure that you are doing things to help bring some extra love into your life.  Light a red or pink candle and send some beautiful energy of love out into the world.  The world can always use extra love. 

It’s definitely still winter here in New England. As I’m writing to you, I am snuggled up in blankets at my desk.  We smelled a skunk the other night, and I’ve noticed the squirrels getting more active, so I know Spring is coming.  I am certainly ready!!  This year kicked off with a lot of energy of change around us and I’m not picking up on that letting up for a while..if anything… it’s picking up the pace, so hang on… we may be in for a bit of a ride. This year you are meant to keep an eye on yourself, the things that you want, the changes that you need to make. The energy of the heart is huge, and it’s so important that you follow it.  Remember that this month.  Some of you may find that you are being tested on your ability to follow your heart.

Mystery and magick is also coming your way this month. The roads won’t always be as clear as you want them to be, and that’s ok.  What’s important is that you put one foot in front of the other, follow your intuition and your heart, and be yourself. Seriously. Stop trying to be what everyone wants you to be, and be yourself. Remember that those who love you will love you for who you truly are.  If they don’t, there are so many perfectly good doors that they can take advantage of. 😉

Our Full Moon this month is just before Valentine’s Day.  It’s going to be in Leo! I love it when the Full Moon is Leo. It brings energy of courage and confidence and gives everyone a boost.  It’s a time to put some extra energy into getting past anything that is holding you back and perhaps making some bold moves or even taking a leap of faith on yourself. 

As we move into the second part of the month, we will celebrate our New Moon on the 20th It feels like it may open an interesting door that may change things in your life up a bit.  Keep an eye out for an important opportunity or energy to help you make an important move around that date. Let’s take a look at some of the important dates this month:

February 1 – St. Brigid’s Day

February 2 – Imbolc

February 12 – Full Moon

February 14 – Valentine’s Day

February 27 – New Moon

I pulled the 10 of Cups for the month of February. I told you that the heart energy this month is strong. It’s making its presence known with this card.  Surround yourself with as much love as you can this month and look for new ways to bring love into your life.  It’s a great month to make plans for the future and to dream about the things that you want the most in your life.

Unfortunately, I sold out of February’s tarot forecasts. You can order a normal Tarot Forecast if you are interested. They are essentially the same thing. They just start in the first available week, which right now would be the second week of February, and then they go four weeks from there.  The monthly tarot forecasts usually become available in the third week of the month, and I only sell them until I know I can’t deliver them before the first full week of the month.  I  have two Valentine’s Day Readings for you to choose from. I have the traditional Valentine’s Day Tarot Reading that I’ve been doing for years that gives you the option to choose one for you if you are single or in a relationship.  I also have the Valentine’s Day Spa Day Reading for you which is a great reading to bring some extra love your way!  I’m currently booking both for delivery before Valentine’s Day.

Have an amazing month!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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