Everyone has challenges. When I navigate challenges in life I like to ask my guides for a sign that I’m moving in the right direction. It helps to validate my intuition and I love that added reassurance that I’m making good decisions.
I’ve been working on some pretty challenging business and life decisions lately and I was looking for validation for a decision that I’ve been making. There are two paths to choose and I needed to choose to have faith and stay the course and maybe expand or call it and move in a different direction. This is in regards to business. 🙂 I have been pretty clear on my decision but doubt always creeps in. I asked my guides to send me a sign to help ease my doubt. Today Earl came in to let me know that we have the most beautiful White Iris growing among all of my Hostas on the side of my house. The only other Irises that I have in the yard are purple and on the opposite side of the property. My sign is here. Of course I needed to go look it up as often not only will I get validation like this but I find that often the energy of what is sent has deeper meaning as well. For instance if they send me an animal I will look up the energy that the animal brings if I’m not already familiar with it.
Irises bring you the energy of hope and faith. They let you know that you need to trust in the Divine. They also can be a sign of better things to come. It also can be a sign from the Goddess Isis who is my Matron Goddess. I definitely got my sign! I will stay the course and hang in there.
I love sharing stories like this as I find that often in sharing my experiences of how I work with my guides I can help you. I started working actively with my guides over twenty years ago now and I appreciate all the love they bring to me and the effort that they make to bring me signs. Funny enough flowers is one of the many signs that they will bring me. Perhaps easier to communicate with Earth energy. 🙂 Keep an eye out for things like this on your path. Your guides are with you every day and always willing to try and help you.
I hope that you have an amazingly magickal day!
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
When You Need a Sign – The White Iris!