
Fall Cauldron

Fall Cauldron

I happened upon this old cauldron for my birthday five years ago now.  If you’ve not seen the story of it already, you can read it here:

This cauldron is from around 1860.  I had been looking for awhile for the perfect one and I remember being incredibly excited when I found this one at an old antique shop near where my Great Grandfather’s old farm use to be.   When I got it home I wanted to find the perfect place for it.   I wanted it in my kitchen but wasn’t sure where to put it.

The day after I found the cauldron there was a huge storm and it blew down tons of branches. My son, who was five at the time, brought in one of those branches as a present for me.  I first told him to take it back outside, but the beautiful leaves on it caught my eye.  I asked him to help me and we worked together to snip the smallest branches with the prettiest leaves on them and put them in the cauldron.

It turned into a holiday cauldron.  For Mabon we go for walks in the woods to collect small pine cones and other little trinkets that we find on the ground like acorns to go with the leaves in it.  What’s better than having something that looks nice? Something that smells nice too!  So we often add  dried apple slices drizzled with cinnamon, and sprinkled some cinnamon essential oil on top of it.

The pot basically became an offering pot that also is a beautiful decoration. During Yule you can add pine cones, pine branches that you find on the ground and some pine essential oil to give you that Yule tide smell.   I plan to do it up each season with appropriate things from nature inside it, that will match where we are on the wheel of the year, and remind myself and my children of the beautiful gifts that nature provides us with each and every day.  This way I’m involving them in the practice as well.  The cauldron is just an amazing piece to put it in.  You may be able to find one, or another suitable pot by rooting around in thrift shops or antique shops.  You’d be amazed what you can find.

Have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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