ArticlesFull Moon

Full Moon Blessings!

Release your fears and prepare to fly,
blessings you will receive under tonight’s sky,
for the Full Moon will shine down on you,
infusing you with courage for all that you must do.

Give thanks tonight on this the Harvest Moon,
for all the gifts received and dreams coming true soon
Remember you have the power to make the changes in your life,
it is in your hands to walk a path free of strife.

So gather the courage coming your way
and make sure you take at least one step each day
toward the dreams that you wish to come true
and the freedom to fly will come to you.”

― Jasmeine Moonsong

I just have a whirlwind of energy around us.  So much so that I have sat here for about twenty minutes trying to pull it in closer to make sense of it for all of you. 

Energy of change has been just swirling around us for awhile now and I would love to tell you that I see an end in sight or a break in sight…but I don’t… not really.  I see it shifting..perhaps slowing a bit and changing in the types of challenges you are working on but I don’t see us sailing smoothly for a bit of time here.

That’s not to say that it’s a bad thing? I told one of you in a reading the other day that the good thing about change is that it means that you are moving forward and that’s what we want.  You don’t want to get stuck in the same place with no movement because when there’s no movement there’s no growth.  With that being said you are likely going to find the change is increasing in the next month as we head towards Samhain.  Many of you know that we are entering the Season of the Witch.  On Samhain we celebrate the ending of one year and the beginning of a new year.  I just love this time of year.  With that being said you are likely going to find yourself letting go of things in the coming weeks.  It’s part of why I included the Onion ritual in today’s Daily Magick and the Oceanic Bath.  You want to be sure that you are going into these weeks calm, grounded and without fears or worries.  Trust that things are going to work out.  You need to remember that energy of change loves to attract new energy to you.  If you release worries and fears and work on bringing what you want into your life you are going to find this to be an incredibly productive time. It’s a great time to get things done.

One thing you want to watch out for is nostalgia.  The past is calling to us, for some of us it’s absolutely clawing at us trying to drag us backward to spend some time there again.  While it can be fun to reminisce over things that we have loved in our lives you need to be very careful not to fall into an energetic pattern that brings you back to reliving pain from your past and allowing it to creep forward into where you are now or even worse to allow it to carry you forward.  Look lovingly at your fun memories and then shut the door.  You are moving forward.  You have so much potential and you want to ride this energetic wave forward that is calling to you.

Our Moon is in Pisces tonight.  Your intuition is rising and that is going to keep happening as the veil keeps thinning.  You are going to be more in tune with your emotions.  If you feel like you need to cry at some point don’t be alarmed, allow yourself that time.  It can be a release of emotions as we cross through these crossroads of energy that we are working our way through.  The energy is strong.  Really strong.  Extra energy maintenance is absolutely key.  Grounding and centering are a must.  Drink extra water, get extra sleep, and really pay attention to your body.  It’s so important.  Make sure that you prioritize your health and well being moving forward.

This energy is fast moving and it can be challenging.  However you need to know that your attitude and your personal energy will dictate how this next few weeks go.  Rise up, accept the challenges and move your path in the direction that you want to go.  This energy really reminds me of the Chariot card.  With hard work and dedication come rewards.  There is so much potential this month.  I have so much energy that can help you find success in things that you want to work on.  Work with the energy of tonight’s Full Moon.  It’s powerful and it’s calling to you.  Your dreams are waiting.

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

Join me on Moonsong Daily Magick for today’s Full Moon edition and the spells I’ve mentioned in this article for tonight!

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