
Raising Young Witches

Many of you know that I’m a witch and I have been for a long long time now.  Many of you also know that I’m a Mom.  One question that I get a lot is how I raise my children in regards to me being a witch.  Do I have them in ritual? Do I teach them the ways of old? What do I do?

I honestly don’t bring as much attention to it as one might think.  My children are both very much aware that I’m a witch. It would be difficult to hide as the house is filled with crystals, books, tarot card decks and so many other magickal goodies.  I’ve raised them with many aspects of being a witch without going so far as to call them one. 

My decision was to teach them things that made sense in their every day life that I thought were valuable tools.  Let’s take a look at some examples:

Stones – My son has loved rocks since he was a toddler so of course he has quite the knowledge on many different rocks and even some of their metaphysical properties.  He knows that amethyst is calming and to tuck a piece of hematite in his pocket if he is anxious.

Astrology – As my daughter came into her teenage years she had a love of astrology.  Seeing that interest and enthusiasm I helped her pick out some books that I thought she would enjoy.

Nature – Both children have been brought up in nature.  We spend time walking in the woods. I point out trees like my favorite old oak tree, animals and other things that are natural yet wonderfully magickal. 

Meditation – Both children were taught meditation incredibly early.  I taught them a simple water meditation where they envision stepping into a lake with a waterfall that has the ability to wash away any negative energy, worry or anxiety from the day.

Shielding – I’ve always thought shielding was incredibly helpful and both my children know how to create an energy shield and how to do grounding exercises.

The Moon and the Stars – Both children love looking at the stars and are familiar with the phases of the Moon.

Sabbats & Holidays – Just as I celebrate holidays with them that everyone is familiar like Christmas, Halloween etc, I also teach them about Yule, Samhain, the Equinoxes as I feel they have very important connections and traditions.  As they grow older and decide if they wish to choose a religion that will be up to them what they wish to celebrate.

Spells: Well many of you know that I always tell you that wishing upon a star is a very simple but powerful spell. I do believe every child knows to wish on a star right? I do things with them like that I just won’t call it a spell.

Basically I have taught them a lot of things that should they decide to pursue the path of a witch later in light they will make a whole lot of connections.  However I’ve not brought their attention directly to things.  I’ve also not practiced formal rituals with them.  I just want them to find their way.  If it’s a path they choose I will help them with things later.  In the mean time I surround them with as much love and magick as I can and hope that they have a positive opinion of witches seeing as they live with one. Everyone is different and everyone has children that are different. I always believe that you should do what’s right for you and your children.

I hope that you have a magickal day!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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