
The Magick Of Spring Rain

How many of you are excited that Spring is finally here. I know I am thrilled to wake up each morning, see that sun shining extra bright, and step out on my deck and hear those birds singing. We have a lot of seasonal birds here, so it sounds a lot different outside here in the morning in Spring and Summertime. Very soon we will start having the Spring Peepers at night. We heard them one night last week when it got really warm.

One of my favorite things about Spring is the rain. It just smells so amazing. Some of my favorite days are when the rain comes down all day. Something about it is incredibly relaxing. Have you ever had a day that you can sit near a window and watch it come down outside? Maybe spend some time with a good book and a favorite kitty on your lap. The rain brings cleansing energy to help us release anything that isn’t in our best interest. It also brings the energy of life and new beginnings. Water corresponds to our emotions, and the Earth helps to ground us. Rain can be incredibly powerful to work with and an excellent addition to your spell work. What if you could collect that energy…

Something incredibly simple that you can do to use to enhance your spells or ritual work is to collect Spring Rain. If you can catch the first Spring Rain it’s especially powerful. The first Spring rain is considered extra lucky.

How do we catch the rain? My first choice is a mason jar. Glass is amazing when trying to collect things you wish to use. The rain will fall into the jar, and its shape will help ensure that it doesn’t bounce back out. I love mason jars because they are easy to clean. Throw them in the dishwasher whenever you want to use them. Whenever you want to use them for ritual, you also want to do an energy cleanse. You can do that by wafting a bit of white sage over the jar before you use it, or you can run it under cool water, envisioning any energy on the jar that is not for its greater good going down the drain.  

Once you have collected the rainwater, it’s best to store it in a glass container that doesn’t let in any light. My preferred storage method is a glass container that doesn’t let in any light. My personal favorite is blue glass if I can find it. You can also cover the jar with paper to help preserve it or store it in a dark place. This ensures that the energy from the water stays intact. 

There are a lot of different ways that you can use the water that you collect. You can use the waters as a base for a magical mist. Add essential oils to it with the energy properties you wish to attract.    Sprinkle the water around your altar and your home to draw luck. It is said that if you take a bath in it, you will have a year of luck and joy. I might put out an extra bucket this year how about you? You just need to add some of it to the bath, so no worries on trying to catch enough to fill your tub. I’ve also heard it said that if you wash your face with the water it will enhance the appearance of your youth. If you wash your hair with it, it will help to attract and keep romance.  

Make sure you gather some this Spring! It can add a lot of wonderful energy to enhance your magick!

Much Love and Many Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

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