I work with so many of you who are empaths and gifted highly sensitive intuitives. That really is what I do the most. I thought it would be helpful to have a post that has all the articles I have written on being a sensitive person and an empath in one place or as many of them as I can find. It really is integrated throughout all of my writing as I am a very strong Empath. These articles however, are among the ones I recommend most frequently.
Highly Sensitive Person
HSP’s and Sensing the Energy of Places
The Emotional Playground for Empaths
It’s a Big World Out There..Different Types of Empaths
Standing Up For Yourself When You Are An Empath – Don’t Let Them Dim Your Light
What To Do When You’re an Empath and Overwhelmed With Your Emotions
The Empowering Energy of A Highly Sensitive Person
Quick Grounding Techniques For The Busy Empath
Psychic Protection – Shielding
Basic Shielding – Variations on the Bubble Shield
Gemstones for Empaths and Sensitives
Forgiveness and Cutting Those Cords
The Importance of Salt for Empaths and Sensitives
Positive Energy Crystal for Empaths
The Importance of Cleansing Items for Sensitives
Sensitives and Empaths, Listen and Honor Your Body
Understanding Energy and Working With It
10 Stones to Help You Stand Your Ground as an Empath
Your Emotions During the Full Moon as an Empath
Working With Animals When You Are Highly Sensitive
Energy During Ritual and Spell Work
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
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